- Asset Management Training
Asset Management Training
Microsoft Teams Training for Management & Occupancy Reviews (MOR)
This video was originally made Summer 2020. Since then the requirements have changed and we are now completing physical inspections at the property. Please be aware that your Management and Occupancy Reviews will include physical inspections unless notified otherwise. Currently, these physical inspections will not include resident units. Your Asset Manager will contact you with any further instructions or information and please feel free to contact them directly with any questions
This Microsoft Teams Remote Management & Occupancy Review Training is presented by New Hampshire Housing staff members Kevin Hunter, Business Analyst, and Kelly Roy, Portfolio Manager.
The training video below is required viewing for any Owner/Agent staff members who will be accessing New Hampshire Housing’s Microsoft Teams as a guest to complete the remote Management & Occupancy Review process.
After watching the Training Video for NHHFA MORs, please complete the Privacy Policy and return to New Hampshire Housing as indicated.
- MOR Training Presentation
- MOR Training Video (required)