Pop-Up Projects 101 (hosted by Plan NH)

April 15, 2021 | 9:00am

Venue :Virtual

Will be hosted via Zoom

Pop-up projects are fun, AND they’re also one of the smartest planning strategies around. Quick, temporary, inexpensive projects and demos can be invaluable tools to build support for long-term change, create energy and attract volunteers, demonstrate complex ideas, build local capacity, gather data, make rapid improvements to public spaces, and experiment with potential designs or options. During the Covid-19 pandemic, pop-up public space improvements are also emerging as an essential tool for re-opening businesses and restaurants and providing safe, outdoor gathering spaces.

This fast-paced session will dig into the best ways to plan, design and create pop-up projects with impact. You’ll learn about a number of project types, best practices for setting up pop-ups that catalyze longer-term impacts, and stories of towns that have strategically used pop-ups to test and refine livability improvements. Registrants will receive a link to the DIY Community Cookbook – a resource packed with how-to instructions for small projects with big impacts.

Key Take-aways:

  • An understanding of what pop-up projects are (and different types)
  • An understanding of the different goals or impacts pop-ups can address (experimentation, activation, engagement, etc.)
  • Examples of simple, fun and replicable pop-up projects that attendees can use or adapt (in a variety of sectors, from community building to economic development to site design)
  • Best practices on how to design and implement successful pop-up projects
  • Examples of pop-up projects that are helping communities respond to the Covid-19 pandemic

Registrants will each receive a copy of the DIY Cookbook, with ideas and strategies to use in their own communities.