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Notice of Public Hearing Regarding the Issuance of Tax-Exempt Bonds for THP Portfolio Preservation
June 9, 2021
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 4:00 pm New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority (the “Authority”) will hold a public hearing at its offices at 32 Constitution Drive, Bedford, New Hampshire with respect to the proposed issuance by the Authority, acting under and pursuant to New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated Chapter 204-C (the “Act”), of obligations in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $3,500,000 (the “Bonds”) (out of a total anticipated project cost of $5,644,000).
The Bonds are proposed to be issued to provide financing as permitted under the Act for the following multi-family scattered site housing project (the “Project”): the acquisition of five existing multi-family residential rental housing developments containing a total of 40 units in 10 buildings (with the aggregate square feet of all of the buildings being 40,226 square feet), including eight units contained in two buildings (with the aggregate square feet of such buildings being 5,960 square feet) located on a .52 acre site at 5-7 Summer Street (referred to in the Tax Assessor’s office as Map 64 Lot 32) in the Town of Exeter, County of Rockingham, State of New Hampshire; twelve units contained in two buildings (with the aggregate square feet of such buildings being 11,940 square feet) located on a .57 acre site at 466-468 Beccaris Drive (referred to in the Tax Assessor’s office as Map 14 Block 13 Lot 12 &13) in the Town of Rollinsford, County of Strafford, State of New Hampshire; four units contained in one 2,855 square foot building located on a .09 acre site at 563 Central Avenue (referred to in the Tax Assessor’s office as Map 27 Lot 7) in the City of Dover, County of Strafford, State of New Hampshire; twelve units contained in three buildings (with the aggregate square feet of such buildings being 14,547 square feet) located on a 2.7 acre site at 3, 5 and 9 Fairway Drive (referred to in the Tax Assessor’s office as Map U02 Lot 35) in the Town of Farmington, County of Strafford, State of New Hampshire; and four units contained in two buildings (with the aggregate square feet of such buildings being 4,924 square feet) located on a .45 acre site at 55-57 Spring Street (referred to in the Tax Assessor’s office as Map U04 Lot 31) in the Town of Farmington, County of Strafford, State of New Hampshire and rehabilitation of the sites, structures and mechanical systems. Thirty-eight of the forty units are expected to be occupied by tenants having incomes no greater than 60% of area median income.
The owner of the Project will be Strafford Scattered Site Limited Partnership, a New Hampshire limited partnership, the general partner of which will be THP Strafford Holdings, Inc. The Bonds will not be a general obligation of the Authority or a pledge of the faith and credit of the Authority or a debt, liability, obligation or pledge of the faith and credit of the State of New Hampshire or any political subdivision thereof.
Written comments will be accepted prior to and for two business days following the public hearing, and must be received by email, fax, or physical delivery no later than 4:30 p.m. on the second business day following the hearing.
For more information, contact:
Jim Menihane, Director, MF Originations & Business Development
New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority
32 Constitution Drive
Bedford, NH 03110
Phone: 603-310-9273
Fax: 603-310-9273
Executive Director